Thursday, 8 April 2010

"I Made It...."

So its been a minute since I've updated the blog been lots of things going on with me really been busy etc etc.  Well if you haven't been reading the blog or keeping up to date you will know by now that yep she's gone. She's in L.A. doing what she's wanted to do for so long and I tell you this I couldn't be happier for her. It's kind of strange cause we both new this day was coming but it just always seem a while away then it got closer and closer then it finally came and it was like wow. This is it, this is what we've been talking about, all the doubts the struggle to get to this point is over its done this is what she wanted and I wanted for her. 

I'd be a lying if I say I didn't miss her, I mean how can I not miss her. She's been there so much more me and I've been there for her and you just always assume that people are gonna be there for you. Now just cause she's in different country doesn't mean she's not gonna be there for me but I do think you get this sense of comfort knowing that if you need some on they are only a drive or bus ride or train away.

Never the less how can you deny your best friend her dream you can't especially when you know personally what its taken for her to get to this position its nothing less than she deserves she is living the dream why? Because she worked her ass off for it and if that isn't inspirational to any one then I dunno what is.

Simply put Miss Gina Harrison made it...

Kevin Rudolf - "I Made It" (Cash Money Heroes)
Uploaded by UniversalMusicUK. - Music videos, artist interviews, concerts and more.


A x

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