Wednesday, 14 April 2010

"Who's Got Game?!"

In this so called "Game" people call it, relationships, dating whatever you want to call it, people always and I stress always get to a point where they just don't wanna play the game any more. I think every one  at the end of the day wants to find some one they can trust, be comfortable with and settle down with. What I've learnt is that in life people try and plan relationships and think ahead too much when in actual fact you should just take every day as it comes. Why try and plan out the future and miss out on the present? It seems stupid. You wouldn't plan out what clothes you're gonna wear in 2 months time ?? Would you???

I'm not saying the dating game is like clothes but it is something that benefits from you taking it each day as it comes. Being single teaches you a lot of lessons as well as being in a relationship, this notion that if you are single you must want to be in a relationship is a joke. Any person that is THAT insecure with themselves they need to be in a relationship to be happy, shouldn't even be in a relationship. You need to be secure with yourself before you can share in a relationship and a lot of people don't understand this. 

I've been in a long term relationship and been single, and there's good and bad points to both. I've to say that there's nothing more refreshing/exciting about meeting some one new and going through that whole, getting to know them phase it is fantastic.

What's even better than that is finding some one that you like, and cutting through all the bullshit, no games, no tactics just honesty nothing can beat it.


A x

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